Other Useful Websites
YiḏakiStory Blog
Don’t miss our parent site’s new blog. It’s just getting started (as of April 2017), but will extend the discussion of this website in a more personal way with articles, reviews and more by Randin Graves, Fulbright Fellow, didgeridoo artist & educator, former coordinator of the Yirrkala art centre and the Mulka Project, and the main non-Yolŋu force behind Yiḏakiwuy Dhäwu Miwatjŋurunydja and Hard Tongue Didgeridoo.
Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka Centre – www.yirrkala.com
Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka, the art centre in the Aboriginal township of Yirrkala, and the original producers of this website. In addition to yidaki, many other crafts are made in the area. Yolŋu paint their sacred designs on sheets of bark and large hollow log coffins. Woven crafts, carvings, jewelry and prints are also available. Buku-Larrŋgay Mulka also houses a large museum of works dating back to the 1960’s, including the significant Yirrkala Church Panels, large paintings by elders who revealed many sacred designs for the first time. Individual yiḏaki are not available directly from the art centre, but are retailed by shops around the world. More information can be found via the Yirrkala Yidaki Facebook page.
Charles Darwin University’s Yolŋu Studies Program – learnline.cdu.edu.au/yolngustudies
Charles Darwin University has faculty dedicated to the study of Yolŋu Languages and Culture, including Yolŋu lecturers. It is possible to study at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Great printed and online materials including a web dictionary are available, and you can even enroll and study externally from overseas. YiḏakiStory.com was in fact part of a master’s degree project under CDU’s Yolŋu Studies wing.
Lirrwi Tourism – www.lirrwitourism.com.au/
Lirrwi is a Yolŋu word literally meaning “ash from a campfire,” but symbolically referring to a gathering place of people from different groups. Lirrwi Tourism is a hub for all the Aboriginal tourism ventures in the Miwatj. You can book private or group visits to learn yiḏaki from Djalu Gurruwiwi.
East Arnhem Regional Council – www.eastarnhem.nt.gov.au/visiting-community-info/
This page from the local government provides information about visiting East Arnhem Land.
Dhimurru Land Management – www.dhimurru.com.au
Dhimurru Land Management is an Aboriginal organization that cares for the environment in the Miwatj area and issues permits for visitors to local recreational areas. If you are coming to Northeast Arnhem Land and want to visit some of the local beaches and other recreational areas, you need to visit the Dhimurru offices in Nhulunbuy’s Captain Cook shopping centre first. Apart from simple maintenance of dirt tracks to these areas, Dhimurru rangers are involved in activities such as the turtle preservation project and removal of ghost nets from local waters.
Northern Land Council – www.nlc.org.au
The Northern Land Council negotiates usage of Aboriginal land in the Top End for everything from industry to tourism. All media and researchers must have valid NLC permits to work with Yolŋu. Anyone planning to drive across Aboriginal land to our area or visit Aboriginal communities anywhere outside Nhulunbuy or Yirrkala (which has its own permit system) is required to obtain an NLC permit.
The Garma Festival – www.yyf.com.au/
The Garma Festival is a great opportunity to visit the region, meet Yolŋu People and see nightly presentations of song and dance with yidaki. There are also academic forums, film presentations, a women’s program and more.
Arnhem Weavers – www.arnhemweavers.com.au
An initiative of Mapuru community, this website features their weaving skills, their community store, and information on eco-tours, particularly for outside women wanting to learn weaving with Yolŋu women.
Yalu’ Marŋgithinyaraw – yalu.cdu.edu.au
A program to promote healthy Yolŋu lifestyles and maintenance of culture at Galiwin’ku. Videos show some of the program’s events such as hunting, dancing, etc., as well as statements from those involved.
An informative project from Ramingining and the makers of the film Ten Canoes.