Blog Archive

This new addition to Yiḏ extends the discussion of Yiḏakiwuy Dhäwu Miwatjŋurunydja with more personal thoughts and articles from Randin
Bark Painting by Ḏuṉḏiwuy Waṉambi
As I launch this new blog, I have to answer one question for both myself and you, dear reader. Why?
Yirdaki Yidaki Yiḏaki Yiragi
Shall we look at the exciting topic of SPELLING? Have you ever wondered why are there so many different spellings of the
Two Brothers - Nyepayŋa and Binydjarrpuma
This post, part 2 and the forthcoming followup are based on a paper presented on April 8 at the 2017 Society
Two Brothers at Galarra - Ethnomusicology in Action
This post, part 1 and the forthcoming conclusion are based on a paper presented on April 8, 2017 at the 2017 Society
Yolngu are people.
Last week I traveled to Los Angeles for a rare opportunity to reconnect with some Yolŋu friends, Wukuṉ Waṉambi and Yinimala Gumana.
Bäpurru Header
With the news of another death in the yiḏaki world, perhaps it is time to talk about death in Yolŋu
Yolngu People 2 header
Pet peeve alert! I photoshopped it to remove and change details, but this appeared in my Facebook feed this morning. The
A long list of new topics awaits, but I feel the need to follow up on my last post and some comments/questions
Two Brothers at Galarra opening
This concludes a three-part series. Read part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE. Ethnomusicology Coming Full Circle - Success &
Yidaki of the Month #1
People often ask me about the yiḏaki in my collection. Therefore, I bring you the first YiḏakiStory vlog and the
Wukun & Randin
UPDATE: Nine of the yiḏaki mentioned below are now listed with demo videos and all the details I have at
Burrngupurrngu Wunungmurra
Important Business First Fundraiser link - And that yidaki he's holding in the picture above and in the fundraiser video?
Milkay Mununggurr 1966-2007
Ten years ago, we lost a legend. He may not be a household name, but few people influenced the yidaki
In late 2004, I made a trip from Yirrkala to Darwin to work with my master's thesis supervisor at Charles
Yidaki of the Month
Keeping with last month's tribute to him on the 10th anniversary of his passing, this month's featured yidaki was made
The Mulka Manikay Archives
This post details the origins of The Mulka Manikay Archives CD series that documents songs of several Yolŋu clans of northeast
Yidaki of the Month by Djalu
Djalu' Gurruwiwi made this yidaki in August 1999. I helped in between taking pictures for my website documenting my first
Should Women Play Didgeridoo?
Yes, I'm going there. The issue that won't go away. And has no answer. Should women play didgeridoo? Yiḏakiwuy Dhäwu
Yidaki for Sale
I've been stalling on this feature this month, hesitating about doing what I really wanted to. This is a non-commercial
I just thought I'd celebrate the launch of the German translation of the Yiḏakiwuy Dhäwu, thanks to Ansgar Stein &
A  Facebook post by Hollow Log Didgeridoos, one of the supporters of the Yiḏakiwuy Dhäwu update, nudged me to start
Yidaki of the Month by Badikupa Gurruwiwi
This gorgeous Yidaki of the Month is one of the first instruments I bought upon moving to Yirrkala in 2004.
Yidaki Technique - Murrkundi
Here's an unusual yidaki technique you may not have heard. First, we'll listen to a track from Sandra Le Brun
Yidaki of the Month by Buwathay
Buwathay Munyarryun, a Wangurri clan leader from Dhalinybuy, crafted this month's featured yidaki in 2006. It's warm and bassy, but
It seems odd, but yes, 1977 saw the release of a 7" record featuring the late great Rirratjiŋu clan leader
Dhalinybuy cd
Back in September, I wrote about The Mulkay Manikay Archives and promised to share more detailed information about the Dhalinybuy
I've shown you some really amazing yidaki over the past few months. How about a bad yidaki for a change?
Gurrumuru CD
Last month, I gave you a mother lode of information about the Mulka Project's Dhalinybuy CD. Documentation for the other
Milkay Mununggurr Yidaki of the Month
I love telling people this story, mostly so I can say the following sentence. This is the only yidaki I
Yolngu Culture - Malk
Didgeridoo players who visit northeast Arnhem Land or study Yolŋu culture at all invariably run into the complexities of Yolŋu
In January, I posted a classic recording of the late Rirratjiŋu leader Wandjuk Marika playing yidaki. Thanks to equally legendary
Yilpara Mulkay Manikay Archives
In January and February, I wrote about the first two albums I recorded for what became the Mulka Manikay Archives
Djalu Gurruwiwi Fixing a Hole
Back in 1999, Djalu' blew my mind with his ridiculously simple fix for a knothole in a new, in-progress yidaki.
Yidaki by Djalu Gurruwiwi
Djalu' crafted this excellent yidaki in mid-2004. I bought it for myself, but it became Djalu's standby for a few
Donald Duck in Arnhem Land
Let's listen to some Djaṯpaŋarri. It's a kind of Yolŋu music and dance which, according to ethnomusicologist Dr. Alice M. Moyle,
Just a quick heads up for anybody near Reno, Nevada or Dartmouth College. Barayuwa Munuŋgurr and Gunybi Ganambarr are traveling
Didgeridoo Etymology
This post takes us out of yiḏaki country and therefore outside the main goals of this website, but I can't

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