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Yidakiwuy Dhäwu Miwatjŋurunydja is THE comprehensive didgeridoo-didjeridu-yirdaki-yidaki-yidaki information website made in collaboration with many Yolŋu People by Randin Graves as part of a Fulbright Fellowship, Master’s Degree project and initiative of Buku-Ḻarrŋgay Mulka, the art centre in the remote Aboriginal township of Yirrkala in northeast Arnhem Land, Australia. Didgeridoo players around the world have been forming their own ideas about the instrument for years with just snippets of information from the origin. This yidaki site is the result of Aboriginal People reaching out to share with outsiders, to encourage more awareness of and respect for the instrument and the people who created it.
It is a huge website within this website, with over 40 pages covering everything from where the didjeridu comes from to how to play it to what Yolŋu people think of women playing yidaki. Click above to choose your preferred language and it will launch in a new window.
Thank you to the many people who supported this project, both the original 2006 version and the 2017 revision. A full page of credits is included in the Dhäwu, but I’ll just say here – you know who you are and you are very appreciated!