respondents who said yes - skip to those who said no
As with a lot of the stories it helps to understand the cultural significance of the instrument to the people that traditionally use it. As to changing the way I use or play it no as I do not try to play Yolngu style publically.
It deepens my respect and appreciation of the instrument and the culture it comes from.
General interest. It will probably not change the way I play or perceive the instrument. It may give me a broader understanding of the Aboriginal culture though.
I want to help them preserve it, and for some reason just have a longing to know the reality of this simple object.
It would not change the way I play. It would add to my perception of their aspect of it.
I am just curious about Yolngu culture and mindset. I have a general interest in ethnomusicology, and I try my best to understand something about the musics I am interested in.
Will probably know when I heard them ;-) Could help to explain the meaning or significance of certain playing patterns or physical playing characteristics of distinct types of instruments
I will learn more about their culture and what they believe. It probably would not change the way I play, but may change how I perceive the instrument. Of course, it would depend on what I heard.
Hopefuly, all of the above. Those stories would be just one piece of the Yolngu cultural puzzle, which yirdaki is a part of. And putting puzzles like that together is always fun.
I'm not anticipating or expecting something, but I find it very interesting to get a better understanding of Yolngu/Aboriginal culture through the sories, and the way of thinking and what the yidaki is associated with within it's original cultural context.
I imagine that from other such stories I will understand more fully the place that the yidaki has inside the complex web of relationships that surrounds Yolngu society.
It may not change the way I play, but it may well alter or modify my perception of the instrument.
I LOVE to hear traditional stories!!! PLEASE SHARE!!
It will just help me understand their culture and history better
It won't change the way that I play but rather make the notion more entertaining. Regardless of how it came about, I'm excited and happy to be a part of it.
As far as possible i'd like to give correct information...
I don't know. I haven't had an encounter with an honest to goodness Yolngu before, so I try not to assume too much. I learned that the hard way while I was an exchange student in New Zealand.
No I don't think so.
Deepen my respect of the people and the instrument, give me more respect for them through learning its cultural origins and context, perhaps even learn a little of the origins of playing styles and instrument styles.
A deeper understanding of the pathway the Yolngu recognize in their honoring of the origins of the Yidaki.
Lots of things. Yes.
I think I would be able to understand their spiritual connection to it. I don't know how it would affect the way I play it but I think I would perceive it with more intimacy.
No to both questions.
The passing of a culture. The way to perceive the instrument too, but much more to understand the culture.
quite possibly, i couldn't really answer the questions above only because i'm not really sure if i've heard recordings of that area or not, i do have a few "traditional" cds from aborginals but i'm not sure if they are Yolngu or not... i do really enjoy the traditional style of play and i know that if i learned more about that regions culture and heard more of the music AND got a Yidaki i would probably focus a good bit on playing in that style.
I always am interested in learning anything new, but cannot foresee changing how I play or perceptions about my own instruments. I play because I enjoy the sounds and effects I produce, not because I want to become an aboriginal caln member.
the origins from the original people
I always like to learn new things about different cultures, especially ones in which I have a keen interest.
It would help give me an understanding how the Yolngu people feel/think about the instrument ... and perhaps give me a new perception of the instrument and it's place in the world
I feel that time will change the way I play. That I will eventually gravitate to a more traditional style once I have my own style to bring to it.
Yes to the above. Insight into the manner in which the Yolngu construct the world.
A better insight to the place of the didj in its culture.
Hearng their stories would provide me with more information about how and why to respect the instrument, and why it is important to them.
Hearing stories is a great way to learn about a culture. No, I don't believe it will influence my playing.
I don't think it will change my playing style. I'm however interested in their culture (in a lot of cultures actually) and any additional information is welcome. My opinion is that culture (herritage) should not be lost. I'm afraid that's what's going on in modern society. People don't know their own roots.
To make the connection between the music and the spirtual.
The way of understanding the didgeridoo will certain change.
It wouldn't change anything.
Anything there is to learn of it's origins and spiritual influences.
It would give me some more feedback, I don't think that in this stage of my life it will change the way I play ( maybe when I get older), the more you learn, the more you feel , understand and respect the instrument and where it comes from...
I'm just intrested in their story's, it has nothing to do with my way of playing.
i would like to listen and read stories about yolngu because i dont know anything from it...
it might change my perspective as to how Yolngu relate to the instrument.
I'm interested in the Yolngu culture generally, may be I won't learn anything but just have the opportunity t see some one elses view on things.
I think these only add to my interest and are important to me in that I feel we should understand where this all comes from. One should learn classical music before they play Jazz.
not sure
I don't think it will change the way I play, neuther the way I perceive the instrument.
Not sure may be a better understanding of some of the rhythms
in general,oral transmission gives explanation about the world, humans, etc.. and i'm really interesting on it (i studied archaeology and anthropology). Like didjeridu is important for me it's important to know stories and to see the yirdaki in its context. I mean it's impossible to play "the bush" if you never been in it!
communication with the nature, so then with people used to hear that language
The way I perceive the instrument
Maybe the way i perceive the instrument. For the moment it is mainly a music instrument for me
It is just nice to learn the true stories from the custodians of the insturment so that you can disregard those who are attempting to exploit them.
I would like to think so.
I think would enhance my appreciation of both the Yolngu and the yidaki.
I would like to hear an authorised version of it, it would be good to tell it to the people who are curious about the didgeridoo; and maybe it would cut some false legends.
I would like to learn more about the background of the Yolngu people in order to respect more the meaning of their songs.
Yes, I would like to know more about the Aboriginal culture from those stories
Yes I do think it will because it would take me into their way, their life & where the instrument came from.
Improve my understanding of the Yolngu and the instrument in its context.
I'd expect to get a more personal view, related to a person/tribe. Those other stories above where passed to me "around three corners" as we say, meaning I heard it from a person who heard it from a person ... and so forth. But in general I don't think it would change my playing or my reception.
stories and myths are a way of perception. It's great to think "i blow in my yidaki and a man did the same thing thousands years ago"!
I can only imagine that my respect will go further and deeper. I believe I cannot anticipate on something that is so complex.
The only thing that can change the way I play would be a transfusion of musical ability.I would love to learn any authentic creation stories relating to didgeridoo as I avidly collect creation stories relating to all facets of Aboriginal Culture.I just wish to understand.
It's interesting to learn about their culture, mythology, and folklore.
I doubt it would change the way I play, but I think learning more of the culture and why the instrument is so important to them will give a deeper respect for instrument as well as the yolngu
I wouldnt expect anything from the stories, but I think they would be fun STORIES to share.
I'd just like to know acurate information about the instrument.
It will winding my knowledge and understanding to share with others. Perhaps, adding that extra way in playing the Yidaki. Plus learning how to say the other names for the Didjeridu.
mmmmmh...perhaps may be way i play and think whilst playin etc?
More feeling
respondents who said no but still commented
I heard others storie in aboriginal teritorie which not play didgeridoo, theses storie help me too